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Digiebot – The World’s Most Powerful Crypto Trading Bot

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Trading is a hard business. It requires constant monitoring of the market. Full-time newbie traders sit in front of computers all day in the hope of making some profit. Nevertheless, emotional investment in trading is something that a human can’t control. Consequently, traders end up making irrational and impulsive decisions. But, the tech industry’s advancement brings a solution to every problem. Therefore, automated trading software like the digiebot are here to help traders win big.

The automated trading bot or algorithmic trading bot reduces emotional involvement. They run on predefined strategies. Additionally, traders don’t have to monitor the chart themselves. The bot runs 24/7 and analyzes market triggers for placing the best trades. It executes orders at a much faster speed than humans. Hence the automated trading software users have an edge over other traders.

Here we will discuss the specifications of digiebot, the world’s most powerful crypto bot. So let’s get into the matter.

What is digiebot:

It is a patent-pending automated trading bot. Digiebot makes trades based on volume, time, and sales. It does not employ lagging indicators. It is designed to trade around the volume. There are two types of digiebot trading bot:

Digiebot Auto:

Digiebot auto is automated trading software. It reads the market on the basis of the trade volume taken by traders. Additionally, the bot analyses whether the market moves in the direction of that volume or not. So, the two factors of volume and market movement help the bot execute the right trade for the user.

Digiebot Manual:

Some people are anxious about giving all of their trade decision to the hands of a bot. Therefore, digiebot being the best algorithmic trading software presents a solution to this problem with manual features. The manual bot functions just like the automated one when it comes to reading the market. It takes various volume indicators into account for guiding you. However, you can execute trade yourself through the trading interface.

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Trading Features:

Digiebot is an algorithmic trading software with some of the best trading features. The developers of digiebot designed it for both full-time and seasoned traders. The bot employs cutting edge technology for providing the best experience. Here are some of the features of digiebot:

1. Propriety Algorithms:

A simple algorithm works on the basis of predefined decisions. On the other hand, the propriety algorithm learns from real-world data. It notices how people are behaving towards certain data. Digiebot also uses propriety algorithms to present relevant and up-to-date entries in the cryptocurrency market.

Autotrading Trading Bot

2. Volume Indicator:

Volume is the best crypto market indicator. It determines the number of units traded at any given time. Additionally, the price is also mentioned to help in understanding the market rate. Subsequently, the volume indicator helps traders to make sell or buy decision at a market competitive price. Digiebot has built-in advanced volume trading tools.

3. Security:

Digiebot gives utmost priority to the security of its user. It supports major crypto exchanges. However, it cannot access the user’s accounts. Your crypto is safe with you. You are in full control of the money while executing trades with the help of digiebot.

4. The Order Book:

The orderbook is a record of buy and sell orders in the crypto market. It is an electronic list well kept on price levels. Algorithmic trading software manages the trader’s portfolio with the help of an order book. Digiebot also analyses the sitting orders and market participant’s intention of buying a coin at a particular price. This gives a knowledge edge over others.

5. Customization:

Digiebot offers the customization feature as well. You have full control over the bot functionalities. Pause triggers at any time. Do your own analysis with the help of charts. Moreover, you can manually execute trades.

6. Supported Exchanges:

Digiebot supports accounts on Binance and Kraken Exchange. Binance is the world’s number one crypto exchange. While Kraken is the oldest and most trusted exchange. Both of these account for over 70% of crypto user accounts. Therefore, digiebot can be employed by the majority of crypto traders.

7. Supported Coins:

Digiebot is supporting some of the most popular crypto coins and pairs at this stage. Nevertheless, the developers of this algorithmic trading software promise that more options will be available in the near future. Here is the current list:

  2. XRP
  3. QTUM
  4. EOS BTC
  5. NEO
  7. NEM
  8. XLM
  9. TRX (BTC)
  11. ZENBTC
  12. XEMBTC
  13. ETHBTC
  15. XMRBTC
  17. ADABTC

You can kick start your trade in the above-mentioned coins today.

Digiebot Price:

Digiebot is considerably high priced automated trading software. But then again there is no such thing as free lunch. Therefore, if you want to take your trading to the next level think about employing digiebot.

Here are the four pricing plans. All of them have an auto plus manual feature. Additionally, you can get a customized plan by contacting the support team.Digiebot Trading

Why you should choose Digiebot?

Digiebot is different from other bots in terms that it uses efficient indicators. The automated trading bots with lagging indicators make traders hold on to a coin for too long. On the other hand, digiebot deliberates on orderbook and volume for managing entries and exit. Therefore, you can happily pick up this algorithmic trading software. It won’t disappoint you.


The best algorithmic trading software is supposed to make your life easier. It executes trades using the best indicators on its own while traders live their care-free life. Digiebot meets the expectations in this regard. It is the best and powerful software employing the industry’s top technology for quadrupling profits. So, get started with digiebot today.

Note: Follow our blog to learn more about crypto technologies. 

Autotrading Trading Bot

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