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Solana Blockchain Attack Causes Degraded Performance

Solana Blockchain
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Solana blockchain suffered another attack on Tuesday which caused the network to go offline for 4 hours. Whether it was a DDoS attack or some other type of incident is not yet clear.

This is the 3rd attack on Solana blockchain in a few months, Only weeks ago, SOL network was clogged by heavy bot traffic on the day of Initial Dex offering (IDO) on Solana-based decentralized exchange, Radium.

The current attack caused transaction failures on the blockchain. There was no official statement regarding the scale or nature of the incident. In fact, the leadership of Solana labs denied any DDoS attack on the network.

The Wu Blockchain documented the time of the incident on Solana. Whereas, Solana.status depicted 100% uptime during the said period on the early morning of Jan 4th.

The issue was resolved around 7 AM UTC.

Coinbase also provided an account of degraded performance on the Solana blockchain over the past 24 hours which caused failed withdrawal requests on the exchange. Moreover, users shared screenshots of the failed SOL transactions on social platforms such as Reddit. However, the network did not acknowledge any such incident.

In online commentary, people criticized Solana for not showing the issue on its status page. One user wrote,

This is why you don’t use a service’s own status page to come to conclusions especially if it masquerades as a decentralized blockchain, but in reality is just a glorified database

Solana has gained the status of one of the elite cryptocurrencies after a huge rise in 2021. It is currently trading at $169 with $259 being its all-time high.

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