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Today Maybe the Last Day to Buy ETH Below $2,000

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ETH hit a fresh all-time high on Feb 18th. It is now less than a $100 away from hitting the $2,000 value. Today is maybe the last day to buy ETH below $2K.

The second-biggest cryptocurrency is soaring in price. Data from Ether’s price chart shows a consistent spike in price since January. It is now among the top 50 biggest assets of the world according to market cap. For comparison, it’s position is above Coca-Cola and Toyota.

At the time of this writing, ETH’s price is hanging at $1,923. It has increased by 8.27% over the last 7 days. ETH reached an all-time high value of $1, 950 nine hours ago.

Crypto is a volatile industry. That’s why investors are slightly fearful of the sudden price surge. The past behaviour of the crypto market suggests that sudden spikes in price are often followed by an instant plunge. However, market analysts argue that the crypto bull run of 2021 is different from the one we witnessed in 2018.

Why $ETH Will Rise?

Ether’s strength lies in the Ethereum platform. It is a decentralized platform where developers can build smart contracts. This feature has increased its demand among institutions. Blockchain startups, to an increasing extent, are leveraging services of Ethereum.

In the last year, transactions worth $1 trillion occurred on Ethereum Blockchain. This number is bound to increase in 2021. For every transaction, the fee is being paid in $ETH. Thus, we can keep the hope of Ether’s bullish price movements in 2021.

The last factor in the favour of ETH’s rise in 2021 is the growth of DeFi sector. A total value of $41.54 Billion is locked in defi sector. Ethereum has the biggest share in this value. It depicts the investors’ interest in Etehreum platform.

All these reasons suggest that Ether will become the biggest asset in 2021. More companies will likely buy ETH in coming months. So let’s see when and how ETH breaks the psychological barrier of $2K.

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